Sorteny Natural Parc by snow shoes – short hike

Sorteny Natural Parc by snow shoes - short hike

A snowy trail in the forest

It's an ideal proposal for initiation in snowshoeing: first, a wide trail to train the basics, then, a pretty path near the river and, after this, a nice tour in the forest.

Great landscape

From forest to alpine areas, different natural elements will attract our attention.

Great place

Diferent interesting summits near us, impressing natural lanscape during the tour.

Professional Guide

We are qualified andorran guides, with years of experience in the field and a great esteem for the territory.

Little groups

We want to give you a great taste of our territory, thats why we maintain a ratio guide/participants that promotes communication.

Full de ruta - Trip Itinerary

10:00 AM - Meeting in Sorteny parking
Presentations, explanation of the place. We will put the snowshoes at the beginning of the forest trail.
10:30 AM - Let's snowshoeing!
Enjoy the snow 🙂 The guide will ask your questions and advice you during you iniciation experience.
12:30 AM to 12:50 AM - Little trail
Time to rest and make a little picnic.
12:50 AM to 13:50 PM - Return
Lets return by another way.
13:50 PM to 14:00 PM - Conclusion
Time to recover snowshoeing material and make a brief general balance of the activity. See you soon!

Tour Pricing

Private tour
2-4 Participants
  • Initiation experience
  • Material included
  • Multiple languages
Little group
5-10 People
  • Initiation
  • Material: 10€/person
  • Multiple languages


Dur roba calenta, calçat adient i protecció solar.

from 100€

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Payment Options

We accept online payment in the methods below, as well as cash in person.

Have a Question?

Feel free to reach out and we're happy to answer any questions you may have.

Does this look like fun? Book tickets today!

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Sorteny Natural Parc by snow shoes

At the foot of the Estanyó peak we will find the lake that gives it its name, now frozen and covered in snow.

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